Food Drive to Mask Drive
Bradley Central High School (TN)
Instagram: @bchsstuco2019 Twitter: @BcCouncil1
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“Every holiday season, we put on a "Turkey Feather Drive" where we collect essential items for people in our community and schools that are in need. It began as a food drive, but has since evolved into a collection of many different items, with the most desirable donation being monetary (so we can purchase things for specific needs).
Although we still plan on the drive occurring this year, we thought it might be a good idea to adapt it to fit the needs of the current situation. We have decided to include disposable and reusable masks in our donations so we can provide for families in our system that would not be able to afford or keep purchasing masks. Masks have become an absolute necessity, and misplacing or wear and tear are common occurrences for many people. We want to make sure everyone has access to such crucial resources in these times. We have also decided to include hand sanitizer and other cleaning items. Because our drive occurs in the holiday season, we are still in our planning stages, but we hope to make this our most productive Turkey Feather Drive yet!
We need to be able to maintain social distancing and clean our donations appropriately. We should maintain a proper number of cleaning supplies, wear our masks, and follow guidelines set in place by our school within our communities.
This idea has amazing potential as long as there is a lot of participation. We make the drive a competition between first period classes. The class with the most money and items donated usually wins a Chick-fil-A breakfast. The breakfast serves as motivation for students to donate, but if you implemented a way to encourage teachers to donate (maybe a massage or gift card), you can engage the entire school and get the maximum amount of donations!”
-Addason Harris, Bradley Central High School Junior